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What is a Bull Market, How to Understand It?

While there are many people wondering about the crypto money market, new things continue to be wondered day by day. Crypto money technology, which will play the first place among the innovations brought by technology, continues to attract attention in line with the opportunities it offers and the innovations it brings.

Of course, if a new technology is in question, it is inevitable that new terms will emerge. Bull Market, which is one of the terms that entered our lives with the crypto sector, is the subject of this article.MapleStax Trades on Twitter: "Chart pattern cheat sheet! Study this!  https://t.co/jMImHB0u2U" / Twitter

What is a Bull Market?

In its most basic definition, a bull market can be described as an “increasing trend in prices”.

The Bull Market, which was brought into our language from the English Bullish Market term, offers predictions about many markets, especially the crypto money market. It is generally an indicator of the increase in the prices of financial products and the demand for financial products.

The bull market, unlike the bear market, shows positive effects on the cryptocurrency market. In this period when purchasing power is more, almost every investor prefers to buy. There is no indecision or stagnation in a bull market as in a bear market.

To summarize, a bull market is literally the opposite of a bear market.

When Does a Bull Market Start? How Much will It Take?

When the bull market will start and how long it will last is an uncertain situation, as in the bear market. However, although it is not fully known, it is possible to make predictions about the beginning of the bull market.

With the simplest method, the beginning periods of the bull market, which is not within a certain period and of a certain length, can be predicted by looking at the start dates of the previous bull markets. However, it still cannot give an exact date or information.

Where Did the Bull Market Get Its Name?

You may have wondered why the bull market is called “bull”. Maybe you find it absurd, but there is a logical reason and similarity behind the bull market’s name. If you’ve ever seen an angry bull in attack, it will be easier for you to guess why the bull was named.

Bulls show their strength with their horns at the time of attack and they move from the bottom up to put the object they attacked on their horns at the time of attack.

This behavior of the bulls at the moment of the attack inspired the symbolization of the rise in the bull market.

What Are the Stages of a Bull Market?

The bull market consists of 3 stages, and these 3 stages are as follows with their most brief explanations:

1. Gathering Phase

The preliminary stage that takes place when the bull market has not yet taken effect is the Gathering Stage. The main principle of this stage is that the small valued financial products of the small investors who have suffered losses are taken by the big investors. Due to the ineffectiveness of the bull market, there is no rise at this stage.

2. Buying Wave Phase

The second stage, the Buying Wave, is the main stage in which the upward trend is just beginning to emerge. As a result of seeing the rise clearly, all investors, from small to large, start to buy. It is a stage where the bull market shows its effect intensely and the transaction volume increases.

3. Saturation Phase

As the name suggests, the last stage that occurs as a result of the market reaching saturation is the Saturation Stage. Investors reduce their buying activity and hence the volatility decreases

What Are Bullish Patterns?

There are some formations that show the bull market and these formations provide very useful information in technical analysis. Of course, each of these formations needs to be examined and learned specifically, but if we need to talk about these formations and in which formation category they are in, we can list them under the headings as follows.

Upward Trending Patterns

  1. Piercing Candles
  2. Knocked Candles
  3. Abandoned Baby
  4. Doji Morning Star
  5. Morning Star
  6. Three White Soldiers
  7. Triple Outside Up
  8. Threesome Inside Up
  9. Baby Concealing Swallowing

Moderate Confidence Formations

  1. Swallowing Bull
  2. Dragonfly Doji
  3. Long Doji
  4. Gravestone Doji
  5. Cross Country Pregnant
  6. Pigeon’s Nest
  7. Doji Star
  8. Sandwich Break
  9. Overlapping Bottom
  10. Value Candles
  11. Three Stars in the South
  12. Triple Valley
  13. Three Stars
  14. Breaking Bull
  15. Stair Base

Low Confidence Formations

  1. Hammer
  2. Inverted Hammer
  3. Waist Hold
  4. Pregnant

Ascension Continuation Patterns (Highly Confidence)

  1. Side by Side White Candles
  2. Three Pregnant Rising
  3. Holding the edge

Ascending Continuation Patterns (Moderately Confidence)

  1. Up Closes the Range
  2. Tasuki that does not Close the Gap

Ascension Continuation Patterns (Low Confidence)

  1. Hit the Three Sticks
  2. Separated Candles
  3. Long White Candle
  4. White Marubozu
  5. White Closing Marubozu
  6. White Combo Marubozu

By getting a detailed and reliable technical analysis training and using these formations with the tools offered by platforms such as TradingView, you can make both bull and bear market and future price predictions of cryptocurrencies.

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